Saturday, July 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home ....but missing Annie

Got home last night at nine pm with take out food in hand and thirty bucks poorer after paying the cabbie. The tip was generous but he was there when i stepped (hobbled actually) off the train and we sat in a McD's drive thru line while a first-day employee tried to bungle my order. Both dogs were outside guarding the house when we drove up. They were excited to see me, but nothing over the top. They go nuts over anyone. They actually got better treatment while I was gone with walks and visitors and such, but who loves you more than your "mommy"?

Plopped down on my customary couch spot with my food, also customary, turned on the tv (need i say customary again?) and mentally scolded myself for all three. After being away from certain habits for several days, it was my hope to return home renewed and refreshed and with new, better habits. Realizing that self condemnation is not healthy, I got over it and enjoyed the evening. The food, however, did not set that well in me so there's a lesson. Watched Fox News which Annie does not subscribe to in Bismarck and some Conan and when the timer went off, I was already in slumberland.

This morning I am having breakfast out with my friend Amy and then later driving to daughter Amy's camp to drop off stuff she requested.
What I really want to do is recount my trip experiences and feelings before i forget them. The feelings I have about my daughters, and particularly my my most recent experiences with Annie, can bring tears to my eyes making me realize its normal to love your kids, but that I really need to get a life, and that should be in caps. GET A LIFE or at least more life.

Trip details follow later today. Right now its time to use my shower which hasn't been turned on for a week!!

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