Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday Monday

Shots for Zoe and eye exam for me today. Right now my eyes are dilated so blogging might not be the best idea. Got the same frames I already have for my new ones partly because I don't like to look in the mirror while choosing glasses but mostly because the ones I have are very cool looking. Had to decide between single vision or bifocals and decided on single. My mono vision contacts take care reading.

Am having a food problem. Not only did I go out at midnight for food, I drove through taco bell for lunch and overate. It seems like nothing is sacred to me when it comes to food and eating. While on the train a man shared his story of losing 160 pounds by starting out riding a stationary bike. The result was a divorce down the road for him but he changed his life. He went from sedentary to being a long distance biker as in bicycle. Another of the people I met on my way to Bismarck was a very heavy man who used a power wheelchair because his legs couldn't carry him. I was looking at two extremes, two directions my life can go. Of course I choose the biker as opposed to the rider. Now to get there.

The train ride to Bismarck was comfortable except for the several hours I had to share my two seater with someone. I felt so unable to move I wanted to scream. My body was jittery and aching to move. Annie greeted me in a cute plaid summer dress. It felt soooo good to see her again. We got into her car and headed back to Bismarck about a 130 mile ride. Everything was new to me and exciting. I needed that.

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