Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Morning

It's 11:53 am and I'm just getting started. Went out with neighbors to a local place and karioked last night. I did my two regular songs Love Will Keep Us Together and My Guy. Amy had the other mike--my neighbor Amy. It was fun to be out but it is not fun to be invisible and that is what being this size is. I don't like it but do I dislike it enough to change it? This discussion gets old and nothing short of ACTION will change it.

Amy's live-in boyfriend or whatever we call them these days, drank too much as usual--way too much. I am so glad I have never had to live with that complication in my life. My dad, god rest his soul, nipped an alcohol problem when I was 16 and never drank again. He changed his life through AA, got more into playing his music and performing occasionally, got a small sailboat, and my folks worked on their marriage; because of this my brother and I reaped the benefits of a strong family life. My dad died just after turning 80 several years back. He was not ready to go but we don't have a choice in that matter. My mom is gone two years this summer. Emphysema, COPD, Brochitis........all a result of many years of smoking. That is the sad reality for so many who smoke their whole lives. I learned this morning from a tv show that anemia is a lack of oxygen in the blood. Another condition my mom had but at the time I didn't know about the connection to lack of oxygen in the blood. Basically she suffocated slowly.

I make no judgement about smoking. It smells, looks creepy, is expensive, robs you of your health and more but I carry 120 extra pounds on me which changes the way I live my life, my energy level, and also will shorten my life not to mention robs me of looking good--cause when you look good, you feel good. How true that is. And, just like my folks had their children begging them to stop and worrying about how it would shorten their children beg me to get healthy so I can be here with them. Oh boy...............

Still haven't recounted my adventures. Why am I stalling? I do that. Can't even think of the word for that. It'll come to me.

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