Sunday, July 6, 2008

Same Day Sunday

It's after 8pm now. Lolled around on Amy's new deck this morning till after one. Stayed home other than that. I watched the end of What's Eating Gilbert Grape this afternoon and identified with the mother in it. I'm not that big but like her, I do need special consideration and help getting around. I blame my knees and arthritis but its time for me to face the real culprit and stop making excuses. The movie was like a mini my family. The characters corresponded to family members with even the dad missing. Yeah. That's all I'm going to say.

I'm determined to get my life back or better yet, work on a new one. This is starting to sound trite and I STILL haven't talked about my trip or the characters I met on the train or the times Annie and I spent together. I may be avoiding it because I'm either lazy or saddened that it is over. With my memory, tho, I had better get over what it is fast. But I'm done for now.

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