Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Had my last meal of the day. Lean cuisine and salad. I used the balsamic dressing rather than the PN Olive Oil and vinegar because it has less oil in it. Earlier I was sitting here at the computer and I started thinking about ordering out. I threw the idea out and felt good about it.

Back to the litterboxes again. Two now. One is in the garage. All Mabel does is drink water and pee. Found cheaper litter courtesy of Allison who knew where to get it and Rog who went and got it--and another litter box. He took out the trash, salted the driveway, ran into jewel for a few things for me.....took me to the doc this am. Am I thankful for the help. Of course I am. But did I bring up the 500 pound gorilla between us---his working? no.

PT starts tomorrow twice a week. Weight bearing is mostly what is what i'll be doing and some exercises for my left shoulder. The party is over. The party where i'm in the wheelchair all the time with no pain and ease of getting things done around the house. I must dance down the aisle or whatever Allison has cooked up for the wedding. She already told me today if i could just transfer from a the wc to a chair but if i'm still not able to walk by then...........i don't know what.

Did one of the things the knee surgeon told me to do which is get an internist who follows the health concerns other than my knee issue. Went today. I like her. Kinda far to AH but soon i'll be driving again.

Time to relax before my lifter comes over whoever it will be.

Still lonely but working on that. I will be lonely until I can get myself out when i want to. Note to self: stay on track. Picture the girl's happiness to see me up and about. I know it pulls them down and worries them. Make way for a hot old lady!!

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