Thursday, January 14, 2010

Annie called me today asking if I'd be home on Feb 1 because she'd be passing thru town on the way to her new job in SPRINGFIELD!! She got the job and now all three of my girls will live in Illinois. Yay!! Also some of my financial worries are on hold for a while regarding my mortgage due to one person's generosity and another person's job searching. Enough said. I know what I mean and no one reads this blog anyway.

Christina, my physical therapist, is coming to my house three times a week and i am doing the prescribed exercises. My meals have been healthy except for a trip to a fish restaurant this week when I was downtown with Frenchie following a visit to my rhuematologist. A pound of fried shrimp is good for no one.

There was a meeting on Monday about Amy's new home and some of the methods of caregiving used. Most problems were resolved. Whether or not there will be follow thru remains to be seen. Amy will tell me. I am still not pleased with Amy's lack of peers in her home. Next week I am visiting another home within the agency that has an opening. There is much more room there, more people, and higher levels of functioning from what i've been told. Amy is lonely where she lives. My heart aches for her. I know she likes the staff at her house and doesn't want to leave them. But she also says she can't live there. One step at a time.

The christmas tree is still up. I removed the ornaments today but cannot take it down until someone does it for me. Bought a canvas bag for its storage so the mice and dirt don't attack it all year in the garage. I'm glad its still up. It reminds me of the cozy christmas we had this year with Walker's family and the whole family together. Our only other guests were Ken,Jane and Cliff--also Aunt Nancy and Scott. Paul stayed home in a funk I was told. Amy was home for only four days . I have mixed feelings about that. I miss her very much. I don't like not knowing who is taking care of her and how. This is a big difference even tho I was not physically caring for her since March. She was here and we talked and loved each other. Yep. It is hard and lonely without her. that's all for today.

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